Creating Your Own Reality

It is crazy to think about how everything that exists today that is “real” or has meaning, at one point just came from one or a group of individuals imagining, visualizing, and thinking beyond the laws of reality to create a new one.

Really “perceptualize” and take yourself back to when “Time” was first implemented. First imagine a world without time; where you were never in a rush, never feeling like time was wasted, because there was no clocks to even notice the time you were “wasting”.

No sense of days, weeks, months, not even a sense of age. All the realities we live by today were once created from within a persons imagination, then became real life.

Honestly I can’t even imagine whether it would be better or worse now, but really grasp the realization that for so many years people lived within those realities.

Since the beginning of time, the beauty of great minds, imagination, and innovation has led to the constant revision of reality. From advancements of the cavemen, to the Columbus’s, the Einsteins, the Edisons, the Harriet Tubmans, all the way to the Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerburgs of today. Each and every one of those individuals dreamed of revising reality and changing the very world we live in.

It is said that humans unlike any other animal, are so special for our ability to within our almighty imaginations, see things before they happen and then make that vision become a reality.

Yea I know that sounds so corny and dream like, and I felt the same way not believing in the true power of ones mind; specifically the power we hold in our own imaginations.

After reading the “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne, as well as some brief research on the Law of Attraction, which only took about 5 hours for me (small book with only 180 pages), the messages received can, and will change the way you perceive the Universe in everyday life.

Basically the Law of Attraction is a very simple concept that goes such a far way. In saying, with your mind, thoughts, imagination, etc.. you can master those abilities and learn to create your own reality through the law of attraction.

In essence that is, when you truly deep down in your soul believe and feel something is right, the universe tends to step out of the way and give you what that belief was.

All of this I really want to believe, and strive to learn to master this ability; as some of the most influential, innovative people in history had learned to do in their own techniques.

On the contrary, the side that actually does make me believe the law of attraction is real is the “Bad side” of this magnet of the soul.

That is when you think about what you don’t want to happen, the universe tends to block out the word “don’t” and give you exactly what you were asking “not” for.

Like when you wake up late, shower runs out of hot water, you hit every red light on the way to work, you get bitched at by your boss for being late; when you think back through that whole succession of events, you were worrying about all the things you didn’t want to happen. Almost anticipating those exact things to happen, 95% of the time the Universe gives you exactly what was on your mind, good or bad.

So all we can strive to do is keep our thoughts positive, which we ACTUALLY  really do have COMPLETE control over everything that we think.

Due to numerous personal experiences I have with bad thoughts leading to bad scenarios, I now am looking tremendously forward to mastering my thoughts and testing them out for the good; with the mindset that I am in COMPLETE control, and I can accomplish anything I believe I can.

It has been sort of hard, just finding out about “The Secret” and “Law of Attraction” not more than a week ago. I didn’t know how assured I was on this actually working on the basis of actual, real examples.

Then going back to creating your own realities, I just realized that all of the inventors/innovators throughout history are the living proof of the Law of Attraction in action.

Really “perceptualize” back in the days when the Mayans first proposed the idea of tracking  days, weeks and years through a calendar; imagine the first people they told, and really try to think how that conversation went “What if we were to count every time the sun rises as a ‘Day’ and have 7 ‘Days’ in a week, 52 ‘weeks’ in a ‘year’, which is every time our earth revolves around the sun”. Actually think about how CRAZY these people seemed to society living within the confines of reality, restricted from possibilities.

But no, the greatest people in our history took reality during their time, and with their minds, imagination, faith, and true belief in their soul, they were able to create a whole new reality.

Humorously imagine The Wright Brothers, Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein, Steve Jobs, and many other historical greats; imagine each first explanation of their theories.

Thomas Edison trying to talk people into believing that the crazy lightning bolt that comes out of the sky could lead us to this thing called “electricity”, which would light up the world in 100 years.

The Wright Brothers, explaining to people how they intend to make these contractions that defy gravity and could fly with the birds.

Steve Jobs saying he will create a device that contains a phone, radio, Tv, internet, Clock, stopwatch, and blah, blah, you get the picture I’m painting.

Being that none of these things were considered in the reality of existence, the greatest people remembered in our history, fought to defy the laws of physics and the confines of reality to create a new perception.

It is rather crazy thinking about how far we have come, but lastly lets scare ourselves with the thoughts/possibilities of what new laws of physics that could be defied creating a “New Reality”. It really does seem so unreal and unlikely that we have it all figured out, which just seems far too safe.

Think back to the point where there were only 2 human beings on the earth, with no knowledge at all. Just their natural born instincts, the most important one of all being imagination.

Then throughout time, all the many things that were implemented in our reality, all the way from Clocks, to Calendars, to flying planes, space ships to the moon, world records in sporting events, literally every reality you think of, was once non existent and “impossible” until one daring mind went on to show the world otherwise.

So basically my whole point is to be open to anything for our future, because we can create whatever good we truly desire. We have just got to act to make it happen and truly believe that we can accomplish whatever those “funny ideas” in your head of things you dream to do, but would never admit out loud because you are too afraid to fail and be embarrassed.

We need to stop trapping our people in the confines of logic and reality; instill in our people the power to announce those “funny thoughts”, and “crazy dreams” pridefully; truly believe in our soul we can make them happen; and most importantly invest these possibilities and ideas in our youth to unravel all of the mysteries to come.







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